2 min readJun 14, 2024



Mobile networks are wireless networks that enable communication between mobile devices. The mobile networks of today make use of the cellular networking technology in which geographical areas are divided into cells. The users located inside these cells are served by a single base station.

6G is the sixth generation of mobile network standards for cellular technology. Building off of 5G, 6G will operate on higher radio frequencies, providing more bandwidth and lower latency at microsecond speeds.

In this medium, we will explore the history of mobile networks and also take a look at the principles

and technologies that will power 6G, the future of mobile networks.

Stay tuned since we will continue to explore more of such prominent technologies that will empower our the world of tomorrow!

Medium Link:

#IEEE #COMSOC #MobileNetworks #1g #2g #3g #4g #5g #6g

